Commissioning Research
Gorry Research is meticulous and methodical in pursuit of Irish ancestors. That begins even before a commission is accepted. Worthwhile research is not always possible, so Paul Gorry needs to make sure of the potential for any search before taking it on.
Many sources are now available on free or subscription websites, but not everything is online. Being unfamiliar with the nature, scope and limitations of (not just Irish) online information, people newly delving into their family history often can go astray in their research. We don’t want to be tracing the wrong ancestors for our clients, so new enquirers are always “interrogated” to make sure they are on the right track.
If you would like to engage us to research on your behalf, you could begin with an initial email outlining your case in a few paragraphs. Then we will ask you some pertinent questions and, following on our exchange, we will advise whether worthwhile research would be possible.
We normally take on a search of between three and five hours, after which the client receives a report detailing the search, step by step, outlining positive and negative results. It is impossible to predict at the outset whether worthwhile research will come to an end after an initial search or whether a series of searches may be possible. If we recommend further research, it is up to the client to decide whether to continue.
Gorry Research represents knowledge, skill and experience. It follows the Code of Practice of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) and Paul Gorry personally has professional credentials as a Member of AGI, Accredited Genealogists Ireland.

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What Next

Our Publications
Credentials for Genealogists
The first book published by Gorry Research is Credentials for Genealogists: Proof of the Professional by Paul Gorry. It is very much a defence of accreditation within professional genealogy. There are long-established accrediting organisations in various parts of the world. They issue credentials to tested practitioners in order to provide a guarantee of competence to the general public and to provide the practitioners with proof of their expertise. However, there are more unaccredited than accredited individuals in the world and Paul Gorry argues that this is not a good situation for the profession as a whole. The book is aimed primarily at people working in (or thinking of working in) genealogical research, but it would also inform potential clients about what to look for in a professional.
Books Written By Paul Gorry
A selection of Paul Gorry’s books is available on Wicklow Marketplace, while the Second Edition of Credentials for Genealogists is available on Amazon.

Baltinglass Chronicles 1851 – 2001
This book was a labour of love, with its genesis in a street directory: a record of Baltinglass and its immediate environs as of the first day of the new millennium, 1 January 2001. After reconstructed street directories were added for 1851, 1901 and 1951, it was obvious to Paul Gorry that the story of the intervening years had to be told. So, the work turned into an annotated local history and something of a paperback tome. The changes in Irish life through 150 years are reflected in this story of a small town, and many Baltinglass people of the past are given a twenty-first century audience.

Credentials for Genealogists: Proof of the Professional | Second Edition 2021
Paul Gorry identifies the five hallmarks of a true professional genealogist as Ethics; Knowledge; Skill; Experience; and Professional Credentials. This is the second edition of his book, first published in 2018. It highlights the work of the various accrediting bodies worldwide, which have long provided such credentials. Today most practitioners do not have credentials and appear not to think them necessary. Gorry believes that credentials are essential for genealogy as a profession, for the integrity of the practitioner and for safeguarding clients’ interests. Credentials are not academic qualifications. Gorry argues against academic restrictions for those entering the profession. Credentials attest to a practitioner’s skills and experience, regardless of the career path taken. The book provides background on the accrediting bodies, as well as guidance on developing a career, on training courses and on organisations providing support for professional genealogists.

Seven Signatories
The seven men who signed the Proclamation of the Irish Republic in 1916 were from diverse backgrounds – socially, religiously and ideologically. Many think of nineteenth-century Ireland as being segregated between Catholic and Protestant, with mixed-religion marriages a rarity. The family histories of these men and their wives give an insight into a different Ireland. On behalf of the Irish Family History Foundation, Paul Gorry examined their stories, dispelled myths and confirmed the facts of these men’s backgrounds. The book illustrates the range of sources that may be used in Irish genealogy.

Baltinglass Golf Club 1928 – 2003
This is an intimate history of a close-knit Irish golf club. Paul Gorry was commissioned by the club to research and write it for the 75th anniversary. His main sources were minute and competition books, newspapers and the reminiscences of various members. The book tells of the club’s struggles and its successes: its personalities and the talents it fostered.